HOA Minutes from September 22, 2015
Meeting called to Order 7:06PM
Present: Walt Shapley, Pres.; Ramon Rios, VP; Michelle Chang, Sec., Hugh Reisdorph, Dir.; Lee Reisdorph, Dir., Eileen Weber, Dir.
Verification of Quorum – Yes
Minutes from the July 21, 2015 meeting were read and approved
Treasurers Report- FINANCIAL
– AR was $51,593.20
– cash on hand at $82,779 as of Aug 31.
– 11% of homeowners owe us ranging from $93 to $5731 (32 properties of 292)
-of the 32, 11 are current on their plans leaving 21 delinquent
-We continue to send letters and attempt to get them on pymt plans and we will file liens when appropriate
Old business:
New Business
-We are open for bids (Public area maintenance, pond maintenance, Insurance, Mgmt Company)
-NextDoor website was discussed but we have it now linked to the HOA website for notice
-due to Nextdoor posting, we replaced some of the plants in the front entrance and encourage residents to send notices of violations to Denise. There has been an increase noted by Denise of the same few people who are getting involved
-online payment is now active
-The sprinkler system in the front will be assessed by Gary (we agree that anything outside the contract, and especially if there is an additional expense, he will seek permission)
-grass next to the public fences must be maintained, suggestion to have Gary spray Roundup to avoid fence damage from the weedeater
-We have to avoid blowing grass into the pond as it can cause an algae bloom
-We have prosecuted for fence damage and have not seen damage for 3-4 months
-The sign at the front will be evaluated by Hugh and attempt to repair at no additional expense but it has water damage inside
Next meeting will Oct. 20, 2015 7pm at Eileen’s house to approve the contracts for the budget (bids to include ponds, lawn, insurance, mgmt. company)
None in November, then annual meeting Dec 10 in the Imperial Lakes Clubhouse (note: only 31 people attended last year)
Notice will go to home owners with the budget for next year and notice to anyone who wants to run for the board (sending Nov. 14), it will get posted on the HOA website and Walt will post on NextDoor
Adjourned 7:50 PM
AGENDA for Sept 22, 2015
- Call to Order
- Verification of Quorum
- Review and approval of previous minutes
- Treasurer Report
- Old Business
- New Business (review bids and approve budget)
- Adjournment