Meeting Minutes From October 11th, 2022



October 11, 2022

Florida Landmark Realty
407 N Church Ave.
Mulberry, FL 33860

I. Call to order: 7;00pm
II. Verification of Quorum: All members attendance
III. Approval of Prior Minutes: motion to approve the prior minutes
IV. Purpose of meeting
Old/New Business
● Review preliminary budget
● Update on Point West judgment-no update on the point west judgment
● Update on pool suit-board member to sign the affidavits, motion has been filed to set
aside the default hearing set for November 14, 2022
● Retention Wall Washouts Discussion- 2 washouts were big, we will get quotes on
washout repairs from Billy, Motion passed to have line item on budget ( quote will be
● Storm Damage-7 large trees that need to be cut, spoke with john from cross cut to give a
quote and Billy, other opinion board can assist with tree cutting
Tree Removal (Along Imperial Lakes)- We will speak with Billy about the tree on along
Imperial Lakes, We will wait until the area dries out
● Violations (letters for repeat offenders)-if a violation happens and the letter is sent and the
violation is cured the process will start over. After final violation send attorney letter
● Patrol Update/Officer/Lt. ? (Guest Speaker)-last report 3 stops, 3 citations, September
report pending.
● Budget for 2023-Insurance is the same, pond maintenance down $2,000, we will review
● We will request HCM to obtain bids on all contracts.
V. Questions from members- BB house has been in probate, fees are owed
VI. :Next meeting date November 1, 2023 @ 7:00pm
VII. Adjournment-8:03pm