Meeting Minutes From March 3rd, 2015

HOA Minutes from March 3, 2015

Meeting called to Order 7:04PM
Present: Walt Shapley, Pres.; Ramon Rios, VP; John Marks, Treasurer; Hugh Reisdorph, Dir.; Lee
Reisdorph, Dir; Eileen Weber, Dir.; Michelle Chang, Sec.,
Verification of Quorum ñ Yes
Minutes from the January 13, 2015 meeting were read and moved approved by John Marks,
Lee Reisdorph 2nd.
Treasurers Report
-February not yet closed
– cash on hand has moved from $65,800 from $72,785 primarily because of dues paid to date.
-Note: the legal fees from the February letters have not yet hit the account
-20 homes on 2 pymt plan, 29 homes on 3 pymt plan, 17 homes on alternate pymt plan
-55 homes that have been sent to the lawyer @ $200/each, we can expect $11,000 fees taken
out next month
-Current AR $109,117.92
-Range of balance owing $9 to $7762
-As the HOA has incurred the $200 cost, the fee will not be waived. The fines assessed do not
represent money spent so those fees can be addressed on a case by case. Finally, the board will
not address these issues with residents but will refer all residents to Denise at the mgmt.
-Note: 12% interest can be assessed on past due balances
Walt mentioned that Denise improved the financial report to make it easier to read

Old business:
-The North perimeter fence will need replacement and we are seeking a quote from Walker
-The two (2) culvert washout repair- we have $600 quote or $400 each if we have them each
repaired separate. The IMW cul de sac culvert is underwater so we have to wait for the water
to recede
-Motion by Walt to repair the first behind OHL and EB @ $400, 2nd by John and approved by all
-Note, the IMW culvert may actually be owned by the county so John will have Denise check the
easement and plat
-HOA sign will be changed monthly and next month it will read ìNo Parking on Sidewalks or
Grassî and Hugh/Lee will paint the legs to protect them from weathering
-Walt replaced the front light

New Business
-Lee noted the slats missing from the fence that she and Hugh will drop in some screws to
-at the farthest end of the fence as you enter the neighborhood, right side, the weeds behind
the hedges need to be trimmed neater
-Hugh suggested a neighborhood garage sale day/weekend to allow all residents to benefit
from a single ad in the paper ñ We will vote by email on a date
-Lee mentioned the common area behind the front pond (80í x 20í) and some others around the
neighborhood. We will start looking into the quotes for long lasting/low maintenance park
bench options
-Ramon has on the list to have the gator removed
-The grates at each of the drains are getting filled with garbage. The county has to be notified
to come clean them.
Next meeting will May 5, 2015 7pm at Waltís house
Adjourned 7:53 PM

AGENDA for May 5, 2015
I. Call to Order
II. Verification of Quorum
III. Review and approval of previous minutes
IV. Treasurer Report
V. Old Business
VI. New Business
VII. Adjournment