Meeting Minutes From July, 14th 2020

Enclave at Imperial Lakes

Homeowners Association Inc.,

HOA Board Meeting

July 14, 2020

7:00 PM

Imperial Lakes Country Club

6 Country Club Lane

Mulberry, FL 33860

Meeting was called to order and a quorum of members, 5 of 5, were present. (Craig Parrott, Walt Shappley, Don Brown, Michelle Chang, and Gary Gobernik

Minutes from the June 2 meeting were approved.


Cash: $31,193.86

A/R: $6017.95

13 homes with past due on 4, liens recorded on 6, intent to lien on 2 and payment plan from 1

Craig opened with proposed work to be done for the community

1. south retention wall work – should we create a separate line item? perhaps address with next years’ lawn service?

Walt-suggestion to concrete the wash outs as they appear and deepen the footer

Missy – we volunteer our time but all future boards need to know that we have been absorbing this expense with our time but they may choose to seek bids and they won’t have the money avail for the repairs

Walt – we should make it a line item

Missy – Increase Repairs/Maintenance General from $4k to $10k

2. IMW wash out – Walt motion to accept the $580 bid, all in favor

3. Tree trimming, $8000 split by 4 years, so $2000 line item for Landscape/Tree Maintenance

4. Pond repairs – Missy suggested $80k-$100k 

Motion to increase annual dues by $70 per home per year. Ask Denise/Bethany to send newsletter/bulletin to all homeowners.

New business

  • Walt – Enclave and Woodland Meadows pothole, Mgmt has notified Polk County.
  • Don – add to newsletter, bag your recycle!!

Next meeting – August 25th,  7pm

Meeting was adjourned.