Enclave at Imperial Lakes
Homeowners Association Inc.,
Quarterly Meeting
February 12, 2018
Imperial Lakes Country Club
6 Country Club Lane
Mulberry, FL 33860
Meeting was called to order at 6:58 p.m. and a quorum of members was not present, there was a quorum of board members, 6 of 7 were present.
- Walt read the minutes from the annual meeting and they were approved unanimously.
- Walt covered the December financials, we currently have a balance of $79,536.58
- This balance is after making the final payment on the fence project.
- There are currently a few minor bills left to pay.
- We discussed the outstanding dues as the deadline for paying the annual HOA fees was January 31, 2018
- There are 15 past due, all are management company properties and have outstanding balances of $15.00, and the management company has sent past due notices to these owners.
- There are 25 who owe the second half of their dues and that will be due April 1, 2018. The management company has sent statements to these owners.
- There are 31 who have made no payment and have been sent to the attorney and now have incurred an additional fee of $200.00, leaving a balance of $544.00 each. The attorney will send these owners letters notifying them of their current status.
- There are 3 owners that have received letters from the attorney informing them that we intend to proceed with HOA foreclosure and have taken no steps to resolve their delinquent accounts. The board voted unanimously to proceed with foreclosure on lots 226, 143 and 185. Walt will instruct the management company to provide the attorney authorization to initiate foreclosure.
- There is one owner that the bank is pursuing foreclosure, lot 178, the board voted unanimously not to proceed with HOA foreclosure as our ability to recover our costs was unlikely.
- There was a motion to approve the December financials and they were approved unanimously.
- Walt provided an update of the fence project.
- The initial cost of $44,000.00 for the fence and $2,500.00 to clear the overgrowth has been paid.
- The remaining fence from the lift station South has not been started as the fence company has been delayed a number of times. This will cost $2,600.00. A check for $1,300.00 has been cut and is being held until the project is started, at which time the check will be given to the fence company. The balance of $1,300.00 will be held until the project is completed.
- We discussed options to deal with owners who are repeat offenders of minor HOA rules and continue to appear on the monthly management inspection list. We will discuss options at next meeting.
- Walt provided an overview of the SWFWMD inspection completed by Dennis Woods Engineering, LLC. Walt explained specifically each of the areas identified in the report and what corrective actions are needed to satisfy the problem areas.
- We received 2 bids to correct the issues, one from RS Management, LLC for $6,125.00 and one from Silver Star Lawn Care and Property Management for $5,750.00.
- We had a lengthy discussion regarding the steps involved with each of the 8 items identified on the inspection and how each proposal would resolve each of the items.
- Walt asked Gary Gobernik (owner of Silver Star) to abstain from voting and actually leave the room so the board could further discuss the bids and vote on the 2 proposals.
- A motion was made and seconded to vote on the 2 proposals. The result was a 2/2 split and one additional abstention (in additional to Gary) resulting in a tie.
- It was determined that the management company needed to attempt to get additional bids, so we could possibly have 3 bids to consider.
- The member who abstained for this vote will be unable to vote on any future votes concerning this matter.
- It was determined that we would need to wait until Missy Chang could be present before we could vote again on this matter.
- It was also discussed that time is of the essences, as this work needs to be done prior to the rainy season to permit access to the area where the work is located.
- There was a brief discussion concerning establishing a color pallet for our association as the paint contractor used during construction is no longer used by Highland Homes. Lee Riesdorph has been tasked with researching and establishing a color pallet for the board to review and potentially adopt as the standard for exterior paint colors moving forward. This discussion will resume during our next meeting.
- The meeting was adjourned at 8:25 p.m.