Meeting was called to order at 7:08pm and a quorum of members were not present, there was a quorum of the Board.
- Opening comments were presented by Walt Shappley who explained it would not be an official meeting since there was not a quorum of members but the board would answer any questions the members may have.
- The 2017 Annual Budget was reviewed.
- There was a quorum of the Board and there was a motion and a second and the Board voted unanimously to get quotes to replace the 4×4 posts on the perimeter fence that were damaged.
- Ramon Rios resigned his position on the Board and Cherise Rose was appointed to replace him.
- Two Alteration Application were reviewed and approved by the Board as follows:
3266 Imperial Manor Way – fence approval was given for the fence to come to the front of the dwelling.
3306 Imperial Manor Way – driveway extension was approved.
- There will be a Christmas Decorating contest. To enter the house would need to be decorated by December 19th and the lights on for the judging. The prizes will be given out on December 21, 2016. The winners will also be listed on Next Door & Enclave website.
1st place $200 2nd place $100 & 3rd place $50
- Community concerns/improvements discussed
- Enclave Blvd needs some road work completed.
- Mosquitoes are bad in the retention areas – Board advised owners to call mosquito control.
- All Alterations would need to be submitted and approved including a bat house.
- Drainage structure in cul-de-sac may need to be repaired again, board to inspect.
- Picking up after pets and keeping them on a leash.
- Doc’s review for play structure restrictions.
- There was a request to have the community yard sale twice a year.
- Community yard sales twice a year
- White PVC fencing will need to be cleaned again.
- Light out on Blvd. – Board advised to stop and get pole number and call it in to TECO
- Meeting was adjourned at 8:19pm.
A Brief Organizational meeting was held to elect officers for 2017 and they are as follows:
Walter Shappley, President
Susan Chang, Treasurer
Hugh Riesdorph, Vice President
Shannon Fenton, Secretary
Eileen Weber, Director
Cherise Rose, Director