Meeting Minutes From December 10th, 2019

Enclave at imperial lakes

Homeowners Association, Inc.

Annual Meeting

December 10, 2019

Imperial Lake Country Club

6 Country Club Lane

Mulberry, FL  33860

Meeting was called to order at 7:01pm and a quorum of members was not present, however there was a quorum of the Board.

  • Walt presented the minutes from the prior meeting and they were approved unanimously.
  • The 2020 Annual Budget was reviewed. There was one question regarding the insurance increase – explained by the board that it was due to inclusion of perimeter fence.
  • Old Business:
    • Walt explained that after a recent SWFWMD inspection, brush cutting was completed along the retention wall on the southwestern end of Tract E. SWFWMD inspection was approved. 
    • Missy presented the financial report. There is currently $5,106.05 receivable, however this is reflective of multiple outstanding violation letter fees of $250 plus postage.
    • Gary provided a patrol officer update for the bi-monthly patrols from PCSO. Recent patrols have led to approximately six citations per patrol.
    • Bethany from Highland Community Management provided the Board with update regarding the Smart Web software. HCM is expected to start using the software in January 2020, once the HOA Restrictions are programmed into the system
  • New Business:
    • Walt met with SWFWMD inspector who explained that ponds are in need of repair due to erosion. The ponds were designed for a 4-1 slope on the pond banks, but now the banks are straight down and approaching nearby property and fence lines. Next meeting  will have further discussion to review repair bids.
  • There were 2 intent to runs received from existing Board members, and the 3 other existing Board members volunteered to stay on the Board. All were accepted to the 2020 Board of Directors and are as follows:

Don Brown

Craig Parrot

Susan Michelle Chang (Missy)

Gary Gobernik

Walter Shappley

  • Community concerns/improvements discussed
  • Lawn maintenance crews left tracts on owner’s property while driving through to work at the back perimeter. Walt asked if this was a normal occurrence or if it was from the recent bush hogging. Owner states it was recent and normally just tracks are left instead of grass damage.
  • Front entrance pond has brown growth and cattails. Bethany to take pictures during next inspection to send to Lake Doctors for vegetation removal.
  • Street parking is still an issue, please make sure all vehicles are parked with the flow of traffic and moved off to the side to allow emergency vehicles.
  •  Meeting was adjourned at 7:29pm.

A Brief Organizational meeting was called to order at 7:50pm to elect officers for 2020 and they are as follows:

            Craig Parrot, President 

Walter Shappley, Vice President

            Susan Chang, Treasurer

            Don Brown, Secretary

            Gary Gobernik, Director

After discussion of parking at the front entrance pond, there was a motion to purchase two additional No Parking signs, similar to those existing. Board approved unanimously.

The next board meeting will be scheduled for February 18, 2020 at 7pm.